At Home Dad Japanese drama

At Home Dad is quite simply brilliant, really, it is! The storyline revolves around a successful commercial director played by Abe Hiroshi. Unfortunately things start to turn sour very quickly as Kazayuki, Abe’s character, is transferred to another division of the company, but that division goes bust and he’s not able to get back his original job!! Kazayuki is an old fashioned guy who thinks that the man should provide for the family whilst the mother is placed in charge of taking care of the household chores and looking after the children, but unfortunately he has to give in and, unable to find another job, he decides to become a stay at home dad until he can get another job, whilst his wife starts working to bring in the money. Kazayuki soon starts getting support from Yusuke, his neighbour who happens to be a stay at home dad also! As you would expect there’s a lot of good comedy and a lot of light-hearted moments in this series, Abe Hiroshi does a brilliant job of playing the typical salaryman who actually has no practical experience of doing things such as the household chores, but the rest of the actors also deserve a lot of credit!


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